Mother                        of  Zion

❈ About us:

Understanding Domestic Violence

Acknowledging the reality that you are, or were in a domestic violence relationship is not easy. However, it is vitally essential to the healing and deliverance process. Domestic Violence is a traumatic experience that often causes many life altering changes that can be debilitating and crippling if the necessary resources and supports are not available. "Mother of Zion" provides a level of experiential, educational, and resourceful knowledge that will enable you to find your voice and take back your power from the abuser.

Five E's: Educate, Encourage, 
Edify, Equip, & 


❈ Our Philosophy :

If you are or have been affected by domestic violence, "Mother of Zion" is here for you. We are dedicated to helping you tap into your inner strength and providing tools and resources that will enable you to walk in freedom. 

Domestic violence is never okay and cannot be tolerated!!!